Central Church of Christ, Bryan Texas © 2013 All rights Reserved | Privacy Policy | Terms and Conditions

C Church of Christ entral

October 26, 2014.

Central’s 50th Anniversary Celebration


    We want to thank everyone who helped exceed our vision for the 50th Anniversary as it became reality. Those who had decorated both buildings, set up and managed registration, designed the announcement brochure and memory magnet, parked cars, groomed the grounds, seated guests, brought food, set up and cleaned up after the meal, taught the children for extended hours, assisted with worship responsibilities (singing, prayers, communion, facilitating transition between activities) carried forth the servant leader role Christ modeled for us.

    A special thanks to Jason and Diane for the extended hours they spent compiling the church history photographically and in a wonderful written record.  We thank Anton Riecher, editor of Industrial Fire World magazine, for recording the service and committing to edit it over the next couple weeks so it and the power point presentation Jason prepared can be posted to this web site.  Anton also set the type and prepared the history book Diane wrote.

    Central is a special family with many talented, committed members…of all ages!  May God continue to bless us as we work together to build on the roots planted at Central in 1964.

    With love and thanks, Dorothy Munday and Lynn White

The Day’s Agenda:

9:00 a.m.     Registration and Coffee Mingle

9:30 a.m.     Devotional and Church History Presentation

                     Rob Towell - Song Service

                     Bob Wolfert - Welcome and Opening Prayer

                                        - Introduction of Ron Goodman

                     Ron Goodman - MP3, Video

                     Bob Wolfert - Introduction of History Video

                     Video Presentation - History of Central Church of Christ

                     John Sweet - Song Service

                     John Barron - Closing Prayer

10:30 a.m.   Worship with Past and Present Members

                     Rob Towell - Song Service

                     Larry Bossier - Welcome and Opening Prayer

                                         - Recognition of Long-Time Members and Newer Members

                     John Pitt - Song Service

                     Brent Bomnskie - Communion

                     Weldon Kennedy - Song Service


                     Bob Wolfert - Opening Remarks

                                        - Introduction of Al Jolly

                     Al Jolly - MP3, Video

                     Jon Sweet - Song Service

                     Bob Wolfert - Introduction of Mike Vanderberg

                     Mike Vanderberg - MP3, Video

                     Jon DeShazo - Song Service

                     Larry Bossier - Closing Remarks

                     Bob Wolfert - Closing Remarks

                     Steve Burkhalter - Closing Prayer

12:30 p.m.   Lunch and Fellowship

DVDs containing videos of all 3 speakers are available upon request.  Please contact the Church to make your request.